JSONP允许我们快速跨域使用API,但缺点是无法在旧版浏览器中执行错误检查;它也不允许我们发出POST请求。只有在浏览器中使用Javascript评估接收数据而产生的跨域调用才需要JSONP;实现CORS的接口不需要JSONP。例如,Twitter API和Google Maps API不需要JSONP。
JSON: JavaScript使用JSON(JavaScript Object Notation)通过网络交换数据。它仔细查看JSON数据,它只是一个字符串格式的JavaScript对象。
{"name":"zww", "id":1, "articlesWritten":5}
JSONP: JSONP是带填充的JSON。这里,填充意味着在返回请求之前将函数包装在JSON周围。
HzwwFunction({"name":"zww", "id":1, "articlesWritten":5});
● 在HTML代码中,包含脚本标记。此脚本标记的来源将是要从中检索数据的URL。Web服务允许指定回调函数。在URL中包含最后的回调参数。
● 当浏览器遇到script元素时,它会向源URL发送HTTP请求。
● 服务器通过函数调用中包含的JSON发送回响应。
● JSON响应采用字符串形式,由浏览器解析并转换为JavaScript对象。调用回调函数,并将生成的对象传递给它。
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <p id="paragraphElement"></p> <!-- The server returns a call to the callback function (processData) that will handle the JSON data --> <script> function processData(myObj) { console.log(myObj); var para= document.getElementById("paragraphElement"); for(var i=0; i<myObj.resultCount; i++){ para.innerHTML= para.innerHTML + myObj.results[i].trackName + "<br>" ; } } </script> <!-- Calling the iTunes API to search for Jack Johnson's songs and return the first five items --> <script src="https://itunes.apple.com/search?term=jack+johnson&limit=5 &callback=processData"></script> </body> </html>
Better Together Banana Pancakes Sitting, Waiting, Wishing Upside Down Good People
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <p id="paragraphElement"></p> <script> window.onload = createScriptDynamically(); function createScriptDynamically() { // Set the url to the web service API from where // the data to be retrieve var url = "https://itunes.apple.com/search?term=taylor+swift&limit=5&callback=processData"; // Create the script element dynamically through JavaScript var scriptElement = document.createElement("script"); // Set the src and id attributes of the script element scriptElement.setAttribute("src", url); scriptElement.setAttribute("id", "jsonp"); var oldScriptElement= document.getElementById("jsonp"); // Get the head element var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; if(oldScriptElement == null) { /* If there is no script element then append a new element to the head. */ head.appendChild(scriptElement); } else { /* If there is already a element in the head, then replace it with the new script element. */ head.replaceChild(scriptElement, oldScriptElement); } } function processData(myObj) { console.log(myObj); /* Function to display the track name and the genre name from the received data. */ var para = document.getElementById("paragraphElement"); for(var i = 0; i < myObj.resultCount; i++){ para.innerHTML = para.innerHTML + myObj.results[i].trackName + "[" + myObj.results[i].primaryGenreName + "]" + "<br>" ; } } </script> </body> </html>
Delicate [Pop] Look What You Made Me Do [Pop] Shake It Off [Pop] You Belong With Me [Country] Blank Space [Pop]