What does the [Flags] Enum Attribute mean in C#?
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| [Flags]
public enum Options
None = 0,
Option1 = 1,
Option2 = 2,
Option3 = 4,
Option4 = 8
} |
我不明白[Flags]属性到底做了什么。 有人能给出一个很好的解释或例子吗?
| var allowedColors = MyColor.Red | MyColor.Green | MyColor.Blue; |
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| enum Suits { Spades = 1, Clubs = 2, Diamonds = 4, Hearts = 8 }
[Flags] enum SuitsFlags { Spades = 1, Clubs = 2, Diamonds = 4, Hearts = 8 }
var str1 = (Suits.Spades | Suits.Diamonds).ToString();
var str2 = (SuitsFlags.Spades | SuitsFlags.Diamonds).ToString();
//"Spades, Diamonds" |
还需要注意的是,[Flags]不会自动使枚举值的幂为2。如果省略数字值,枚举将不会像在按位操作中预期的那样工作,因为默认情况下,值以0和增量开头。 声明不正确:
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| [Flags]
public enum MyColors
Yellow, // 0
Green, // 1
Red, // 2
Blue // 3
} |
如果以这种方式声明,值将为黄色=0、绿色=1、红色=2、蓝色=3。这将使其作为标志无效。 以下是正确声明的示例:
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| [Flags]
public enum MyColors
Yellow = 1,
Green = 2,
Red = 4,
Blue = 8
} |
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| if (myProperties.AllowedColors.HasFlag(MyColor.Yellow))
// Yellow is allowed...
} |
或在.NET 4之前:
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| if((myProperties.AllowedColors & MyColor.Yellow) == MyColor.Yellow)
// Yellow is allowed...
if((myProperties.AllowedColors & MyColor.Green) == MyColor.Green)
// Green is allowed...
} |
在盖子下面 这是因为在枚举中使用了2的幂。在封面下,枚举值的二进制1和0如下所示:
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| Yellow: 00000001
Green: 00000010
Red: 00000100
Blue: 00001000 |
| myProperties.AllowedColors: 00001110 |
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| myProperties.AllowedColors: 00001110
MyColor.Green: 00000010
00000010 // Hey, this is the same as MyColor.Green! |
无=0值 关于在您的枚举中使用0,引自msdn:
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| [Flags]
public enum MyColors
None = 0,
} |
Use None as the name of the flag enumerated constant whose value is zero. You cannot use the None enumerated constant in a bitwise AND operation to test for a flag because the result is always zero. However, you can perform a logical, not a bitwise, comparison between the numeric value and the None enumerated constant to determine whether any bits in the numeric value are set.
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| [Flags]
public enum MyEnum
None = 0,
First = 1 << 0,
Second = 1 << 1,
Third = 1 << 2,
Fourth = 1 << 3
} |
结合答案https://stackoverflow.com/a/8462/1037948(通过位移位声明)和https://stackoverflow.com/a/9117/1037948(在声明中使用组合),您可以位移以前的值,而不是使用数字。不一定要推荐,只要指出你可以。 而不是:
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| [Flags]
public enum Options : byte
None = 0,
One = 1 << 0, // 1
Two = 1 << 1, // 2
Three = 1 << 2, // 4
Four = 1 << 3, // 8
// combinations
OneAndTwo = One | Two,
OneTwoAndThree = One | Two | Three,
} |
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| [Flags]
public enum Options : byte
None = 0,
One = 1 << 0, // 1
// now that value 1 is available, start shifting from there
Two = One << 1, // 2
Three = Two << 1, // 4
Four = Three << 1, // 8
// same combinations
OneAndTwo = One | Two,
OneTwoAndThree = One | Two | Three,
} |
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| foreach(var e in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Options))) {
string.Format("{0} = {1}", e.ToString(), (byte)e).Dump();
} |
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| None = 0
One = 1
Two = 2
OneAndTwo = 3
Three = 4
OneTwoAndThree = 7
Four = 8 |
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| namespace Flags
class Program
public enum MyFlags : short
Foo = 0x1,
Bar = 0x2,
Baz = 0x4
static void Main(string[] args)
MyFlags fooBar = MyFlags.Foo | MyFlags.Bar;
if ((fooBar & MyFlags.Foo) == MyFlags.Foo)
Console.WriteLine("Item has Foo flag set");
} |
我最近问过类似的问题。 如果使用标志,可以将扩展方法添加到枚举中,以使检查包含的标志更容易(有关详细信息,请参阅post) 这允许您执行以下操作:
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| [Flags]
public enum PossibleOptions : byte
None = 0,
OptionOne = 1,
OptionTwo = 2,
OptionThree = 4,
OptionFour = 8,
//combinations can be in the enum too
OptionOneAndTwo = OptionOne | OptionTwo,
OptionOneTwoAndThree = OptionOne | OptionTwo | OptionThree,
} |
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| PossibleOptions opt = PossibleOptions.OptionOneTwoAndThree
if( opt.IsSet( PossibleOptions.OptionOne ) ) {
//optionOne is one of those set
} |
作为接受答案的扩展,在C 7中,可以使用二进制文字编写枚举标志:
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| [Flags]
public enum MyColors
None = 0b0000,
Yellow = 0b0001,
Green = 0b0010,
Red = 0b0100,
Blue = 0b1000
} |
@ Nidonocu 要向现有值集添加另一个标志,请使用或赋值运算符。
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| Mode = Mode.Read;
//Add Mode.Write
Mode |= Mode.Write;
Assert.True(((Mode & Mode.Write) == Mode.Write)
&& ((Mode & Mode.Read) == Mode.Read))); |
| Mode = Mode | Mode.Write; |
对于if ((x & y) == y)...构造,我有一些过于冗长的内容,特别是当x和y都是复合的标志集,您只想知道是否有重叠。 在这种情况下,您真正需要知道的是,在您被位屏蔽之后,是否有一个非零值[1]。
[1] See Jaime's comment. If we were authentically bitmasking, we'd
only need to check that the result was positive. But since enums
can be negative, even, strangely, when combined with the [Flags]
it's defensive to code for != 0 rather than > 0.
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| using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace BitFlagPlay
class Program
public enum MyColor
Yellow = 0x01,
Green = 0x02,
Red = 0x04,
Blue = 0x08
static void Main(string[] args)
var myColor = MyColor.Yellow | MyColor.Blue;
var acceptableColors = MyColor.Yellow | MyColor.Red;
Console.WriteLine((myColor & MyColor.Blue) != 0); // True
Console.WriteLine((myColor & MyColor.Red) != 0); // False
Console.WriteLine((myColor & acceptableColors) != 0); // True
// ... though only Yellow is shared.
Console.WriteLine((myColor & MyColor.Green) != 0); // Wait a minute... ;^D
} |
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| [Flags]
public enum DashboardItemPresentationProperties : long
None = 0,
HideCollapse = 1,
HideDelete = 2,
HideEdit = 4,
HideOpenInNewWindow = 8,
HideResetSource = 16,
HideMenu = 32
} |
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| [Flags]
enum SuitsFlags {
None = 0,
Spades = 1 << 0,
Clubs = 1 << 1,
Diamonds = 1 << 2,
Hearts = 1 << 3,
All = ~(~0 << 4)
} |
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| Spades | Clubs | Diamonds | Hearts == All // true
Spades & Clubs == None // true |