关于Visual Studio:C ++编译器错误C2371-WCHAR的重新定义

关于Visual Studio:C ++编译器错误C2371-WCHAR的重新定义

C++ Compiler Error C2371 - Redefinition of WCHAR

当我包含本身包含odbcss.h的头文件时,出现C ++编译器错误C2371。 我的项目设置为MBCS。

C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows\\v6.0A\\include\\odbcss.h(430) :
error C2371: 'WCHAR' : redefinition; different basic types 1>
C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows\\v6.0A\\include\\winnt.h(289) :
see declaration of 'WCHAR'

我在odbcss.h中看不到任何可以避免这种情况的定义。 其他人看到了吗?

这是一个已知的错误-请访问Microsoft Connect网站:







Bruno van Dooren [MVP VC++] but i know the solution of this problem.
it solves by changing project setting of"Treat wchar_t as Built-in
Type" value"No (/Zc:wchar_t-)". But I am using"Xtreme Toolkit
Professional Edition" for making good look & Feel of an application,
when i fix the above problem by changing project settings a new
linking errors come from Xtreme Toolkit Library. So what i do to fix
this problem, in project setting"Treat wchar_t as Built-in Type"
value"yes" and i wrote following statements where i included wab.h
header file. You can change that setting on a per-codefile basis so
that only specific files are compiled with that particular setting. If
you can solve your problems that way it would be the cleanest

#define WIN16


#undef WIN16

and after that my project is working fine and all the things related to WAB is also working fine. any one guide me, is that the right way
to solve this problem??? and, will this have any effect on the rest of
project?? I wouldn't worry about it. whatever the definition, it is a
16 bit variable in both cases. I agree that it isn't the best looking
solution, but it should work IF WIN16 has no other impact inside the
wab.h file.


Kind regards, Bruno van Dooren bruno_nos_pam_van_dooren@hotmail.com
Remove only"_nos_pam"

