Nikhil Kothari的Script#很可能是我在JavaScript舞台上看到很长时间以来最令人惊奇的概念之一。这个问题不是关于JavaScript的,而是关于.NET运行时中的语言编译的。
编辑:到目前为止,感谢您的评论;您的信息本身就是非常有趣的,我想进一步研究,但是我的问题实际上是关于如何编写自己的可以在同一源上同时运行的编译器使用CLR生成多种不同类型的(可能)相互依赖的输出。 Script#作为示例,因为它使用相同的C#源生成JavaScript和Assembly,同时使编译后的Assembly与JavaScript协同工作。我很好奇设计这种性质的东西的各种方法和理论概念。
现在,如果将script#代码转换为程序集并与其他.NET代码进行交互,则意味着此编译器必须正在生成msil。 script#为此使用csc.exe,这只是标准的c#编译器。现在要生成javascript,必须使用c#或msil,对其进行解析,然后生成javascript以发送到浏览器。文档说它有一个名为ssc.exe的自定义c#-> js编译器。
a developer toolset for building
multi-tier web applications using
existing and familiar tools,
techniques and patterns. Voltaa€?s
declarative tier-splitting enables
developers to postpone architectural
decisions about distribution until the
last possible responsible moment.
Also, thanks to a shared programming
model across multiple-tiers, Volta
enables new end-to-end profiling and
testing for higher levels of
application performance, robustness,
and reliability. Using the declarative
tier-splitting, developers can refine
architectural decisions based on this
profiling data. This saves time and
costs associated with manual
refactoring. In effect, Volta extends
the .NET platform to further enable
the development of software+services
applications, using existing and
familiar tools and techniques.
You architect and build your
application as a .NET client
application, assigning the portions of
the application that run on the server
tier and client tier late in the
development process. You can target
either web browsers or the CLR as
clients and Volta handles the
complexities of tier-splitting. The
compiler creates cross-browser
JavaScript for the client tier, web
services for the server tier, and all
communication, serialization,
synchronization, security, and other
boilerplate code to tie the tiers
together. In effect, Volta offers a
best-effort experience in multiple
environments without requiring
tailoring of the application.