




ShellCode 编写注意事项




已知两个数AB,如果A xor B = C,则C xor B = A,其中xor表示异或运算符。如果不理解,这个是入门编程的最基本的知识,请自行补缺,这里我就不唠叨了。



// GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE //Version 3, 19 November 2007 //Copyright(C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. //Everyone is permitted to copyand distribute verbatim copies //of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. // Author : WingSummer (寂静的羽夏) //Warning: You can not use it for any commerical use,except you get // my AUTHORIZED FORM ME!This project is used for tutorial to teach // the beginners what is the PE structure and how the packer of the PE files works. BOOL CWingProtect::XORCodeSection(BOOL NeedReloc, BOOL FakeCode) { using namespace asmjit; if (_lasterror != ParserError::Success) return FALSE; auto filesize = peinfo.FileSize.QuadPart; CodeHolder holder; /// <summary> /// PointerToRawData /// </summary> auto p = peinfo.PCodeSection->PointerToRawData; /// <summary> /// SizeOfRawData /// </summary> auto sizecode = peinfo.PCodeSection->SizeOfRawData; auto repeat = sizecode; BYTE* shellcode; INT3264 ccount; if (is64bit) { Environment env(Arch::kX64); holder.init(env); x86::Assembler a(&holder); Label loop = a.newLabel(); x86::Mem mem; mem.setSegment(x86::gs); mem.setOffset(0x60); //生成加密 shellcode,此处的 rax = ImageBase a.push(x86::rcx); a.push(x86::rdi); //xor 解密 a.mov(x86::rax, mem); a.mov(x86::rax, x86::qword_ptr(x86::rax, 0x10)); a.mov(x86::rdi, x86::rax); a.add(x86::rdi, peinfo.PCodeSection->VirtualAddress); a.mov(x86::rcx, repeat); a.bind(loop); if (FakeCode) FakeProtect(a); a.xor_(x86::byte_ptr(x86::rdi), 0x55); a.inc(x86::rdi); a.dec(x86::rcx); a.test(x86::rcx, x86::rcx); a.jnz(loop); //确保此时 rax 或 eax 存放的是 ImageBase ,否则是未定义行为 if (NeedReloc) RelocationSection(a); a.pop(x86::rdi); a.pop(x86::rcx); a.ret(); shellcode = a.bufferData(); ccount = holder.codeSize(); } else { Environment env(Arch::kX86); holder.init(env); x86::Assembler a(&holder); Label loop = a.newLabel(); x86::Mem mem; mem.setSegment(x86::fs); mem.setOffset(0x30); //生成加密 shellcode a.push(x86::ecx); a.push(x86::edi); a.mov(x86::eax, mem); a.mov(x86::eax, x86::dword_ptr(x86::eax, 0x8)); a.mov(x86::edi, x86::eax); a.add(x86::edi, peinfo.PCodeSection->VirtualAddress); a.mov(x86::ecx, repeat); a.bind(loop); if (FakeCode) FakeProtect(a); a.xor_(x86::byte_ptr(x86::edi), 0x55); a.inc(x86::edi); a.dec(x86::ecx); a.test(x86::ecx, x86::ecx); a.jnz(loop); //确保此时 rax 或 eax 存放的是 ImageBase ,否则是未定义行为 if (NeedReloc) RelocationSection(a); a.pop(x86::edi); a.pop(x86::ecx); a.ret(); shellcode = a.bufferData(); ccount = holder.codeSize(); } //异或加密 auto se = (BYTE*)b; for (UINT i = 0; i < repeat; i++) { se[i] ^= (BYTE)0x55; } //加密完毕,写 Shellcode encryptInfo.XORDecodeShellCode = (UINT)peinfo.PointerOfWingSeciton; auto ws = GetPointerByOffset(peinfo.WingSecitonBuffer, peinfo.PointerOfWingSeciton); memcpy_s(ws, ccount, shellcode, ccount); peinfo.PointerOfWingSeciton += ccount; if (!NeedReloc) { auto tmp = (PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER)TranModPEWapper(peinfo.PCodeSection); tmp->Characteristics |= IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE; } return TRUE; }


//异或加密 auto se = (BYTE*)b; for (UINT i = 0; i < repeat; i++) { se[i] ^= (BYTE)0x55; }


a.mov(x86::rax, mem); a.mov(x86::rax, x86::qword_ptr(x86::rax, 0x10)); a.mov(x86::rdi, x86::rax); a.add(x86::rdi, peinfo.PCodeSection->VirtualAddress); a.mov(x86::rcx, repeat); a.bind(loop); if (FakeCode) FakeProtect(a); a.xor_(x86::byte_ptr(x86::rdi), 0x55); a.inc(x86::rdi); a.dec(x86::rcx); a.test(x86::rcx, x86::rcx); a.jnz(loop);





// // GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE //Version 3, 19 November 2007 // //Copyright(C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. //Everyone is permitted to copyand distribute verbatim copies //of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. // Author : WingSummer (寂静的羽夏) // //Warning: You can not use it for any commerical use,except you get // my AUTHORIZED FORM ME!This project is used for tutorial to teach // the beginners what is the PE structure and how the packer of the PE files works. void CWingProtect::RelocationSection(asmjit::x86::Assembler& a) { using namespace asmjit; Label loop_xor = a.newLabel(); Label loop_reloc = a.newLabel(); Label loop_rt = a.newLabel(); Label endproc = a.newLabel(); auto rdd = peinfo.PDataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC]; if (is64bit) { a.nop(); a.push(x86::rdi); a.push(x86::rcx); a.push(x86::rsi); //征用 rsi a.mov(x86::rsi, rdd.VirtualAddress); //重定位表基址 a.add(x86::rsi, x86::rax); a.push(x86::rdx); //征用 rdx a.push(x86::r10); a.mov(x86::r10, peinfo.ImageBase); //PE 加载后,该值会被重定位,只能写死 a.sub(x86::r10, x86::rax); a.jz(endproc); a.bind(loop_rt); a.mov(x86::edi, x86::dword_ptr(x86::rsi)); //偏移基址地址 a.add(x86::rdi, x86::rax); //此时 rdi 为加载到内存的虚拟基址地址 //计数 a.mov(x86::ecx, x86::dword_ptr(x86::rsi, 4)); a.sub(x86::ecx, 8); a.shr(x86::ecx, 1); //此时为重定位表的真实项目个数 a.add(x86::rsi, 8); //将指针指向该索引下的第一个重定位项目 a.bind(loop_reloc); a.dec(x86::rcx); a.mov(x86::dx, x86::word_ptr(x86::rsi, x86::rcx, 1)); a.test(x86::dx, 0xF000); a.jz(loop_reloc); //contine; a.and_(x86::edx, 0xFFF); a.add(x86::rdx, x86::rdi); a.sub(x86::qword_ptr(x86::rdx), x86::r10); //修正 a.cmp(x86::rcx, 0); a.ja(loop_reloc); a.sub(x86::rsi, 8); //重新指向表头 a.mov(x86::edx, x86::dword_ptr(x86::rsi, 4)); a.add(x86::rsi, x86::rdx); //指向下一个 a.mov(x86::edx, x86::dword_ptr(x86::rsi)); a.test(x86::edx, x86::edx); a.jnz(loop_rt); a.bind(endproc); a.pop(x86::r10); a.pop(x86::rdx); a.pop(x86::rsi); //释放 rsi 自由身 a.pop(x86::rcx); a.pop(x86::rdi); } else { a.push(x86::edi); a.push(x86::ecx); a.push(x86::esi); //征用 rsi a.mov(x86::esi, rdd.VirtualAddress); //重定位表基址 a.add(x86::esi, x86::eax); a.push(x86::edx); //征用 edx a.push((DWORD32)peinfo.ImageBase); //x86寄存器没那么多,只能自己维护一个局部变量 a.sub(x86::dword_ptr(x86::esp), x86::rax); a.jz(endproc); a.bind(loop_rt); a.mov(x86::edi, x86::dword_ptr(x86::esi)); //偏移基址地址 a.add(x86::edi, x86::eax); //此时 rdi 为加载到内存的虚拟基址地址 //计数 a.mov(x86::ecx, x86::dword_ptr(x86::esi, 4)); a.sub(x86::ecx, 8); a.shr(x86::ecx, 1); //此时为重定位表的真实项目个数 a.add(x86::esi, 8); //将指针指向该索引下的第一个重定位项目 a.bind(loop_reloc); a.dec(x86::ecx); a.mov(x86::dx, x86::word_ptr(x86::rsi, x86::ecx, 1)); a.test(x86::dx, 0xF000); a.jz(loop_reloc); //contine; a.and_(x86::edx, 0xFFF); a.add(x86::edx, x86::edi); a.push(x86::eax); //使用局部变量 a.mov(x86::eax, x86::dword_ptr(x86::esp, 4)); //注意被 push 了一个,所以加个偏移 a.sub(x86::dword_ptr(x86::edx), x86::eax); //修正 a.pop(x86::eax); a.cmp(x86::ecx, 0); a.ja(loop_reloc); a.sub(x86::esi, 8); //重新指向表头 a.mov(x86::edx, x86::dword_ptr(x86::esi, 4)); a.add(x86::esi, x86::rdx); //指向下一个 a.mov(x86::edx, x86::dword_ptr(x86::esi)); a.test(x86::edx, x86::edx); a.jnz(loop_rt); a.bind(endproc); a.add(x86::esp, 4); //释放局部变量 a.pop(x86::edx); a.pop(x86::esi); //释放 rsi 自由身 a.pop(x86::ecx); a.pop(x86::edi); } //将所有的节全部改为可写 auto length = peinfo.NumberOfSections; for (UINT i = 0; i < length; i++) { ((PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER)TranModPEWapper(&peinfo.PSectionHeaders[i])) ->Characteristics |= IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE; } }


ShellCode 编写注意事项


除了 eax / rax 其他寄存器用到的话,一定要注意保存好,因为其它函数调用有各种调用约定,一定不要影响它们,否则会出错。为什么要对 eax / rax 区别对待,因为通常来说它只用做返回值,调用函数返回结果一定会修改它,所以大可不必。

在使用 ASMJIT 生成汇编的时候,使用类似 MOV 的指令的时候,一定要注意如果要写入多大的数据一定要在目标操作数体现数来,比如要移动 WORD 大小的话,用 ax 就不要用 eax,否则它正常生成汇编指令不报错,结果和你想生成的代码不一样。


