

1. hardtime怎么改成中文版

hard的副词还是hardhard释义:1、adj. 努力的;硬的;困难的;辛苦的;确实的;严厉的;猛烈的;冷酷无情的2、adv. 努力地;困难地;辛苦地;接近地;猛烈地;牢固地(此处hard有副词的含义)3、n. (Hard)人名;(英、芬、瑞典)哈德hard 读音:英 [hɑːd] 美 [hɑrd]例句:1、By hard work they made up the loss of time.他们努力工作,补偿了失去的时间。2、After years of hard work, she has finally arrived in her field.经过多年的努力工作之后她终于在她的领域功成名就了。

2. hardtime破解版

hard times 英[hɑrd taɪmz] 美[hɑː(r)d taɪmz] n. 低潮; 艰难时世; [网络] 艰难时代; 艰巨时世; 布鲁斯口琴谱; [例句]Now that her kids have grown up, her hard times are finally over. 孩子大了,她总算熬出头了。

3. hard time汉化版下载

had a hard time 后面加介词in,具体内容如下。


4. hardtime汉化

have a hard time doing == have a hard time in doing -----你的结构省略了 in 这个介词。从语法角度说,have a hard time 是主语和谓语关系,in doing sth做状语,强调“在--- 的时候”

5. hardtime下载

struggle不及物动词 vi.

1.搏斗; 奋斗; 努力;争取 The bandit struggled desperately.那匪徒拼命挣扎。We should struggle to learn advanced techniques.我们应当努力学习先进技术。

2.1 艰难地行进;吃力地进行 2 斗争;抗争 3 搏斗;扭打;挣扎脱身 4 争夺;辩论 名词 n.1.打斗, 搏斗, 扭打,抢夺,挣扎脱身,战斗, 斗争 2.努力, 奋斗 It was a hard struggle to get my work done in time.为使工作按时完成, 我做了一番努力。The cat made a struggle to get free.这只猫挣扎着想跑掉。

6. hardtime游戏攻略

They were hard times and his parents had been struggling to raise their family.


How are you getting on in these hard times?


Americans are still giving to charity despite hard times.


7. hardtime中文版

not easy比hard较为正式,侧重需要特别的能力、智力、判断力、技巧或勇气才能克服障碍。也可指深奥或抽象的难题。

not  easy   problem/choice/task/language


It will be very difficult to prove that they are guilty.


Many things make it difficult for women to reach the top in US business.


It is extremely difficult being a single parent.


hard : 含义广,通俗用词,与easy相对,泛指任何难理解,不好处理或不易做的事。

There were some really hard questions in the exam.


It's hard to say which of them is lying.


It's hard being a single mother.


Her handwriting is very hard to read.


He's a hard man to please.


The topics get harder later in the course.


I feel sorry for the kids, too - they've had a hard time.


8. hardtime中文无敌版



2、Afteryearsofhardwork,shehasfinallyarrivedinherfield.经过多年的努力工作之后她终于在她的领域功成名就了。扩展资料hard的同近义词:difficult 读音:英[ˈdɪfɪkəlt] 美[ˈdɪfɪkəlt] 释义:adj.困难的;不随和的;执拗的短语:1、Difficultthing困难的事2、difficultposition困境,困难的处境


9. hard time中文版本

all the time一直,始终at the same time同时from time to time有时,不时in time及时on time按时many a time多次have a hard time(in)doing sth做……很困难at a time每次,一次at one time曾经,一度at no time从不,决不in no time立即,马上take time费时间,花功夫take one’s time不慌不忙但我不知道有多少是初中学过的

10. Hardtime


原唱:Haley Bonar

I think it's hard time we paid the ransom

We can't live like this forever in the kingdom

Wearing cloaks of god while drinking devil's water

Living in my dreams and waking to disaster

You steal the clothes of kings

Play your guitar like a martyr

Close your eyes at the softest touch

Drain your blood in holy water

Drain your blood in holy water

We fell hard like the fools

And blessed are the ones who break their bones

Your mouth slays me like a harpoon

And I'm a hypocrite but I play by the rules

You you steal the clothes of kings

Play your guitar like a martyr

Close your eyes at the softest touch

Drain your blood in holy water

Drain your blood in holy water

Drain your blood in holy water
