

1. 下象棋很有趣英文

下棋(现在分词模式)翻译结果:Playing chess。

2. 下象棋很有趣英文怎么说

下国际象棋 play chess

3. 下象棋很有趣英文怎么写


4. 下象棋的英文短语


(Playing the guitar) 2.下象棋。(Playing chess) 3.讲英语。(To speak English) 4.在某方面帮助(某人)。(In some way to help ) 5.加入艺术俱乐部。(To join the art club)

5. 象棋下的好用英语怎么说

play chess意为“下国际象棋”。英语中,play后面接棋类或球类名词时,不用冠词,也不能加s。

6. 下象棋很有趣英文作文

Chess is believed to have a history of more than 2000 years.It is a two-player strategy board game played on a chessboard, a checkered gameboard with 64 squares arranged in an eight-by-eight grid.There are 32 pieces in one chessboard.It is one of the world s most popular games.It is played by millions of people worldwide during their spare time.There are also many chess variants, with different rules, different pieces, and different boards.

7. 下棋是有趣的英语

Play chess 下棋 I always use black when I play chess. 我在下棋时总是执黑. At six he could already play chess at an advanced level. 6岁的时候他已经能玩高级别的国际象棋
