





楼主您好!答案如下:computer games电脑游戏piay computer games玩电脑游戏piaying computer games正在玩电脑游戏piayed computer games玩电脑游戏(过去式)希望能解决您的问题!祝您身体健康!


Some people say that the computer is more of a menace than a blessing . what do you think ?

  The compute r is a sign of the era , which has brought and is bringing about a t remendous change in our lifestyle . the view that cer tain people maintain that it is more of a menace than a blessing seems ridiculous and completely out of place in a world that has learnt to enjoy and use the computer .

  Before the invention of the computer , near ly everything was slow . data processing was slow, typing on the typewriter was tedious , accounting was done by hand . it was the computer that sped up all these daily office affair s and fr eed people from repeated drudge ries .

  The probable r eason that the comp ute r is a menace is derived from the fact that there a re people who have lost their jobs because the computer has made them r edundant . true, a small portion of people may have lost their jobs because they cannot and will not u se the computer ; however , most companies and work units whe re compute rs have replaced people do not just retrench workers . in st ead , they go through elabor ate progr ammes to ret rain the staff .

  Another r eason for looking at the computer as a menace is perhaps due to the fact that it makes people waste time playing games . t his is a ridiculous accusation , as time could just as well be wasted watching silly tv programmes . in addition , playing games is interactive and is something that one chooses to do, it is not compulsory . therefore, to call the computer a menace is groundless .

  To conclude , the above a re just par t of my a rgument , but i think i have made it clea r that the compute r is a bles sing instead of a menace . however , ther e is still enough space for counter- argument .























Portable comuper is named notebook and also called laptop. laptops become more and more useful, and more and more people buy them. there are a few advantage of using laptops.

first, laptops are small and light, so we can carry it wherever we want to go. For example, when we have meeting or class, we can take notes by using laptops instead of using pen and paper.

second, laptops were add new functions such as wifi. that means we can use wireless internet at any place that have wireless router; therefore, we do not have carry a lot of cable. finally, Un-interrupted power supply are the best advantage.

It can be charged with battery and it will stay on so long as the battery has charge. So, if you act wisely, and keep your laptop charged, you will never have the problem on not being able to work on your laptop because the lights have gone. I would like to have a labtop.


1.computer can calulate very fast and rarely make any mistakes电脑可以做许多工作,可以迅速地计算而且很少犯错误2.computers can draw pictures电脑可以画画3.write music创作音乐4.design buildings and clothes设计大楼和衣服5.trenslate books翻译书籍6.talk with people与人交谈7.people can get any information they want to the Internet人们在因特网上查到任何信息Nowadays computers are very popular with people.If plays an important role in our work and life.The advantages of writing compositions by computer。Nowadays, an increasing number of students, especially university students use personal computer to write compositions. Whether it is beneficial to us? The opinions vary from person to person. I hold the aspect that writing compositions by computer brings a lot of advantages to us.Firstly, it is more efficient than writing by hand. According to the present data, the fastest speed of typing is over 500 words per minute, while the highest speed of handwriting is only 90 words per minute. Secondly, it brings a lot of convenience while writing by computer. For example, we can avoid some original mistakes, such as the spelling, punctuation, and some grammar mistakes. Besides, we can e-mail our compositions to teachers, so teachers can check our compositions instantly. In addition, it is easier for us to save our compositions in files. Last but not least, it saves many resources like paper and ink. If we want to write a good composition, we have to correct it again and again. For example, we are writing a TEM4 composition by hand. we make many kinds of mistakes, so we have to waste a lot of paper while consummating it. However, if we write it by computer, we only need to revise it on a computer, without wasting any paper. Writing compositions by computer not only helps us search information, but also does good to thinking visually. Computer is really an excellent writing tool for us, which can help us explore our further writing.
