


1. 安装yaml库

2. yaml转json

3. json转yaml

4. 批量将yaml与json文件互相转换

1. 安装yaml库




pip install pyyaml 2. yaml转json


A: hello: name: Michael address: Beijing B: hello: name: jack address: Shanghai


import yaml import json # yaml文件内容转换成json格式 def yaml_to_json(yamlPath): with open(yamlPath, encoding="utf-8") as f: datas = yaml.load(f,Loader=yaml.FullLoader) # 将文件的内容转换为字典形式 jsonDatas = json.dumps(datas, indent=5) # 将字典的内容转换为json格式的字符串 print(jsonDatas) if __name__ == "__main__": jsonPath = 'E:/Code/Python/test/test.yaml' yaml_to_json(jsonPath)


     "A": {
          "hello": {
               "name": "Michael",   
               "address": "Beijing" 
     "B": {
          "hello": {
               "name": "jack",      
               "address": "Shanghai"

3. json转yaml


{ "A": { "hello": { "name": "Michael", "address": "Beijing" } }, "B": { "hello": { "name": "jack", "address": "Shanghai" } } }


import yaml import json # json文件内容转换成yaml格式 def json_to_yaml(jsonPath): with open(jsonPath, encoding="utf-8") as f: datas = json.load(f) # 将文件的内容转换为字典形式 yamlDatas = yaml.dump(datas, indent=5, sort_keys=False) # 将字典的内容转换为yaml格式的字符串 print(yamlDatas) if __name__ == "__main__": jsonPath = 'E:/Code/Python/test/test.json' json_to_yaml(jsonPath)


          name: Michael
          address: Beijing
          name: jack
          address: Shanghai


          address: Beijing
          name: Michael
          address: Shanghai
          name: jack

4. 批量将yaml与json文件互相转换


import yaml import json import os from pathlib import Path from fnmatch import fnmatchcase class Yaml_Interconversion_Json: def __init__(self): self.filePathList = [] # yaml文件内容转换成json格式 def yaml_to_json(self, yamlPath): with open(yamlPath, encoding="utf-8") as f: datas = yaml.load(f,Loader=yaml.FullLoader) jsonDatas = json.dumps(datas, indent=5) # print(jsonDatas) return jsonDatas # json文件内容转换成yaml格式 def json_to_yaml(self, jsonPath): with open(jsonPath, encoding="utf-8") as f: datas = json.load(f) yamlDatas = yaml.dump(datas, indent=5) # print(yamlDatas) return yamlDatas # 生成文件 def generate_file(self, filePath, datas): if os.path.exists(filePath): os.remove(filePath) with open(filePath,'w') as f: f.write(datas) # 清空列表 def clear_list(self): self.filePathList.clear() # 修改文件后缀 def modify_file_suffix(self, filePath, suffix): dirPath = os.path.dirname(filePath) fileName = Path(filePath).stem + suffix newPath = dirPath + '/' + fileName # print('{}_path:{}'.format(suffix, newPath)) return newPath # 原yaml文件同级目录下,生成json文件 def generate_json_file(self, yamlPath, suffix ='.json'): jsonDatas = self.yaml_to_json(yamlPath) jsonPath = self.modify_file_suffix(yamlPath, suffix) # print('jsonPath:{}'.format(jsonPath)) self.generate_file(jsonPath, jsonDatas) # 原json文件同级目录下,生成yaml文件 def generate_yaml_file(self, jsonPath, suffix ='.yaml'): yamlDatas = self.json_to_yaml(jsonPath) yamlPath = self.modify_file_suffix(jsonPath, suffix) # print('yamlPath:{}'.format(yamlPath)) self.generate_file(yamlPath, yamlDatas) # 查找指定文件夹下所有相同名称的文件 def search_file(self, dirPath, fileName): dirs = os.listdir(dirPath) for currentFile in dirs: absPath = dirPath + '/' + currentFile if os.path.isdir(absPath): self.search_file(absPath, fileName) elif currentFile == fileName: self.filePathList.append(absPath) # 查找指定文件夹下所有相同后缀名的文件 def search_file_suffix(self, dirPath, suffix): dirs = os.listdir(dirPath) for currentFile in dirs: absPath = dirPath + '/' + currentFile if os.path.isdir(absPath): if fnmatchcase(currentFile,'.*'): pass else: self.search_file_suffix(absPath, suffix) elif currentFile.split('.')[-1] == suffix: self.filePathList.append(absPath) # 批量删除指定文件夹下所有相同名称的文件 def batch_remove_file(self, dirPath, fileName): self.search_file(dirPath, fileName) print('The following files are deleted:{}'.format(self.filePathList)) for filePath in self.filePathList: if os.path.exists(filePath): os.remove(filePath) self.clear_list() # 批量删除指定文件夹下所有相同后缀名的文件 def batch_remove_file_suffix(self, dirPath, suffix): self.search_file_suffix(dirPath, suffix) print('The following files are deleted:{}'.format(self.filePathList)) for filePath in self.filePathList: if os.path.exists(filePath): os.remove(filePath) self.clear_list() # 批量将目录下的yaml文件转换成json文件 def batch_yaml_to_json(self, dirPath): self.search_file_suffix(dirPath, 'yaml') print('The converted yaml file is as follows:{}'.format(self.filePathList)) for yamPath in self.filePathList: try: self.generate_json_file(yamPath) except Exception as e: print('YAML parsing error:{}'.format(e)) self.clear_list() # 批量将目录下的json文件转换成yaml文件 def batch_json_to_yaml(self, dirPath): self.search_file_suffix(dirPath, 'json') print('The converted json file is as follows:{}'.format(self.filePathList)) for jsonPath in self.filePathList: try: self.generate_yaml_file(jsonPath) except Exception as e: print('JSON parsing error:{}'.format(jsonPath)) print(e) self.clear_list() if __name__ == "__main__": dirPath = 'C:/Users/hwx1109527/Desktop/yaml_to_json' fileName = 'os_deploy_config.yaml' suffix = 'yaml' filePath = dirPath + '/' + fileName yaml_interconversion_json = Yaml_Interconversion_Json() yaml_interconversion_json.batch_yaml_to_json(dirPath) # yaml_interconversion_json.batch_json_to_yaml(dirPath) # yaml_interconversion_json.batch_remove_file_suffix(dirPath, suffix)

到此这篇关于Python实现yaml与json文件批量互转的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关Python yaml json互转内容请搜索易知道(以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持易知道(!
