
你这个属于外贸专用词汇码头英文,但我具体不清你用在什么场合,下面是常用说法:比如:Free Detension 免柜租期 Free Demurrage 免堆期 Demurrage 滞期费,包括两个方面:仓租、柜租,一般柜到码头,DEMURRAGE三天的话,是指仓租三天免费,柜租三天免费,超过的话,就要收STORAGE和OVERTIME OF CONTAINER所以你问的:柜租:equipment detention堆放期:storage time



PTP是Tanjung Pelepas(马来西亚文),是马来西亚丹戎港(丹戎帕拉帕斯港),是全球前20的集装箱码头,在Malaysia仅次于Port Klang.PAT/TPT和BMT是曼谷的三个码头,PAT就是公共码头的意思,是市区较早的公共码头,大部分班轮靠泊这个码头,不过随着城市的发展和交通的落后,曼谷市区堵车现像严重,以至于后来新建在郊区的码头得到很好的发展,如PTP和BMT,TPT全称是Thai prosperity terminal,UNI-THAI是UNITHAI CONTAINER TERMINAL的缩写。UTC1, UTC2,UTC3是印尼雅加达的三个码头,就好比广州港一样,有乌冲,大码头,嘉利,南沙,和黄埔旧港,至于全称我问了我在中海的同学,他也说不知道,行内都是这叫而已,其实你不用考究得这么详细,你接触到的时候,知道UTC1,2,3是去哪个码头就OK了,道理和曼谷的三个码头一样。你只要知道是去PAT还是TPT就OK了,订仓的时候,直接订停靠那个港口的航班即可。


jetty: a jetty is a wide stone wall or wooden platform where boat stop to let people get on or off, or to load or unload goods.

pier: a pier is aplatform sticking out into water, usually the sea, which people walk along or use when getting onto or off boats.

terminal: a terminal is a place where vehicles, passengers, or goods begin or end a journey.

dock: a dock is an enclosed area in a harbour where ships go to be loaded, unloaded , and repaired.

berth: a berth is a space in a harbour where a ship stays for a period of time.

quay: a quay is a long platform beside the sea or a river where boats can be tied up and loaded or unloaded.
