PET 考试作文满分秘诀模板-pet文件

PET 写作部分(PART 1除外), PART 2是写一个note, 字数在35-45字,要求包含题目里要求的三个点,PART 3 要求100字, 有二选一,一是回信,并讲述朋友在信里问你的关于生活某方面的一个话题, 二是写故事。

除非你遇到的Qestion 7 的回信话题特别刁难,无话可说,才去写故事,否则的话,蜜雪还是建议大部分同学写Qestion 7的回信。 因为毕竟是写信,有许多相似的套路我们提前可以准备,并且话题绝大部分都是生活里你有一定见识和体验的事物,容易使用我们平时上课所讲的好词好句。

而故事带来了很多不确定性, 当然有特别好的想法和故事的时候,你也可以写故事,但必须写之前自己列好思路和故事发展,结尾。不然写的时候容易走偏,或者像写流水账,难写出彩。

今天分享蜜雪老师亲自写的PET范文, 同学们可以尽量向这个方向努力靠近: 什么是考试作文? 只是你必须展现你深厚英文功底,丰富词汇量,多变的句式的时候。


1. 尽量不要用特别短的句子。句子 与句子之间,绝大多数可以连接成并列句,你至少可以在两个短句之间加上and.

2. 如何写高分句子? 记住一些最常用的连接词: and, but, not only... but also, although, though, despite that....(真的是屡试不爽)

3. 再优秀一点呢? 定语从句。 或者写完一个句子,可以加个which 继续加一个句子(which 翻译成“这” ,特别好用的长句写法。

4. 尽量用上课老师教过的高分词汇,不要一到自己写就脑子空白。

以下题目选自PET真题5 TEST 1 :

PET 考试作文满分秘诀模板

Hi Sam :

How have you been lately?

I need to borrow your bike because my friends and I are going to go cycling this weekend in the mountain.We will be cycling the whole weekend, so I will return the bike to you next Monday.

I really appreciate your help !

See you.


注意以上highlight的部分,首先问候语可以每次都用一样的, 成为自己的模板。 其次注意我用到的连接词。这个小作文没有用特别难的词汇,但是只用了两个句子把意思说清楚了。 而且这是小作文常见的几种类型之一:寻求帮助。 所以最后要强调一句表示感谢,除了thanks外,还有I really appreaciate your help.

下面来看一个大作文,Question 7 :

PET 考试作文满分秘诀模板

Dear Sam:

Thanks for your letter. It is nice to hear from you again.

As you mentioned in your letter about a new restaurant, I am going to tell you a bit about the restaurant I like best near my home. It’s an German restaurant called “1920”, which is very popular in our town. It is located near riverside where everyone like to take a walk in the evening. It is always full of guests, so if we want to have dinner there ,we need to make a reservation in advance. The restaurant serves very typical western dish, such as steak, pasta, and the most famous German style pork, which you absolutely have to try. I like the atmosphere there , as well as the food. I hope to take you there to have dinner next time you come around.

Send my regards to your family, I look forward to seeing you again.

Best wishes


你可以发现回信里的模板还是非常一致的,文中前后部分橙色的强调部分就是这道题的模板句,基本每道题都得用上。 因为一定是回信,并且回答他在信中所问你的话题,所以第二段开头我们就应该固定一个句子:As you mentioned in your letter about XX, I am going to tell you a bit about ...... 这句话还可以写成As you asked me about whether I had my favorite restaurant,..

快到结尾的时候可以说下次他来的时候邀请他..., 根据题目而定。


再来看我的正文部分白色的强调部分,在我写的时候,如何把句子写得出彩呢? which , so , such as 等都是非常好用的套路,再加上一些稍微出色的词汇,一篇满分作文就完成了。



Part 2 小作文模板:

Hi XX:

How have you been? / How are you ?

中间用2,3个句子就可以表达清楚题目所要求的, 其中必须用到and, so , but 等。也就是2个长句,最多加一个短句。

最后强调一下感谢/ 道歉

See you/ All the best.


part 3 大作文模板:

Dear XX:

Thanks for your letter. It is nice to hear from you again.

As you mentioned in your letter about ...., I am going to tell you a bit about ....


I hope to take you there to have dinner next time you come around.

Send my regards to your family, I look forward to seeing you again.

Best wishes




PET 考试作文满分秘诀模板

PET 考试作文满分秘诀模板

PET 考试作文满分秘诀模板
