海德思哲以840万美元收购丹麦猎头和领导力咨询公司Amrop Denmark-amr文件

海德思哲以840万美元收购丹麦猎头和领导力咨询公司Amrop Denmark

(2017年9月29日,/HRoot.com/)全球领先的猎头及领导力咨询服务商海德思哲(纳斯达克股票代码:HSII)日前已达成协议收购丹麦哥本哈根猎头及领导力咨询服务商Amrop Denmark。

根据美国证券交易委员会提交的一份文件,这笔交易价值估计为840万美元。海德思哲将支付的金额包括390万美元的收盘价值以及基于Amrop Denmark近两年营收情况的450万美元的费用。


Amrop Denmark的5位合作伙伴将以合作伙伴的身份加入海德思哲哥本哈根办公室。这两家公司预计合并后的组织将成为丹麦市场上最大的领导咨询公司,有9名面向客户的顾问,公司共有37名雇员。

“Amrop Denmark团队的加入将进一步加强我们在北欧市场为客户提供猎头和咨询服务的能力,包括组织和团队绩效、领导力评估与发展,以及企业文化塑造等方面,”海德思哲首席执行官 Krishnan Rajagopalan说。

“越来越多的丹麦公司要我们为他们服务,为他们的国际业务分支在丹麦之外寻找高管,”Amrop Denmark的董事合伙人Peter Christiansen说。

Heidrick buying Danish search and leadership consulting firm in $8.4 million deal

(Sep.29, 2017,/staffingindustry.com/)Heidrick & Struggles International Inc. (NASD: HSII), a Chicago-based executive search and leadership consulting firm, struck a deal to acquire Amrop Denmark, a Copenhagen-based provider of executive search and leadership consulting.

The deal is estimated at $8.4 million, according to a filing with the US Securities and Exchange Commission. Heidrick will pay $3.9 million at closing plus an estimated $4.5 million based on fee revenue generated from the business during the following two-year period.

The firms entered into the definitive agreement Sept. 19, according to the SEC filing.

All five Amrop Denmark partners are expected to join Heidrick & Struggles' Copenhagen office as partners. The firms expect the combined organization will be the largest leadership advisory firm in the Danish market with nine client-facing consultants and a total of 37 employees.

“Adding the Amrop Denmark team will further strengthen our ability to serve clients in the Nordic market with executive search and consulting services, including organization and team effectiveness, leadership assessment and development, and culture shaping,” Heidrick CEO Krishnan Rajagopalan said.

“More and more Danish companies want us to serve them outside Denmark in finding executives for their international operations,” said Peter Christiansen, managing partner of Amrop Denmark.

