


1. 闭包

2. 函数绑定


4. 判断属性是否存在

5. 解构赋值


7. 过滤数组

8. 消除重复值

9. 判断是否数组

10. 转换数字和字符串

11. 转换为boolean

12. 可选链

13. 合并运算符

14. 有条件地添加属性

15. 异步调用异常捕获

16. 弱引用Map

17. 反射

18. 柯里化

19. 组合


1. 闭包


// <button onclick=”increaseCounter()”>Increase Counter</button> //1. 全局变量,变量会被意外修改 let counter = 0; function increaseCounter() { counter++; } //2. 局部变量,每次调用都重置为0 function increaseCounter() { let counter = 0; counter++; } //3. 闭包函数,符合要求 const increaseCounter = (function() { let counter = 0; return function() { counter = counter + 1; console.log(counter); }; })(); 2. 函数绑定


// 1. 与预期不符,得到undefined let book = { title: ‘Learn JavaScript', printTitle() { console.log(`Book's title: ${this.title}`); } } setTimeout(book.printTitle, 1000); // Book's title: undefined // 2. 利用函数绑定,符合预期 let book = { title: ‘Learn JavaScript', printTitle() { console.log(`Book's title: ${this.title}`); } } let printTitle = book.printTitle.bind(book); setTimeout(printTitle, 1000); // Book's title: JavaScript 3.使用命名空间


// 1. move、jump函数在animal命名空间下,需要通过animal.move()来调用 let animal = { move: () => { console.log(‘Move!'); }, jump: () => { consle.log(‘Jump!'); } }; // 2. 真实项目中,可能会按如下方式使用命名空间 if (typeof APP === "undefined") { APP = {}; APP.ANIMAL = {}; } APP.ANIMAL.move = () => { console.log(‘Move'); }; APP.ANIMAL.jump = () => { console.log(‘Jump'); }; APP.ANIMAL.move(); // Move APP.ANIMAL.jump(); // Jump 4. 判断属性是否存在


const person = { id: "123", name: "张三" } console.debug("id" in person) //true console.debug("age" in person) //false 5. 解构赋值


const { address: addressLine } = { address: "长安街20号", postcode: "518118" }; console.warn(addressLine); // 长安街20号 const [first, second] = [1, 2, 3, 4] console.warn(first, second) // 1 2 //动态解构 const extractKey = "postcode" const { [extractKey]: youbian } = { address: "长安街20号", postcode: "518118" }; console.log(youbian) //518118 6.遍历对象属性


const data = { address: "长安街20号", postcode: "518118" }; Object.entries(data).forEach(([key,value]) => { if (["address", "postcode"].includes(key)) { console.log('key:', key , 'value:', value) } }) //输出结果如下 key: address value: 长安街20号 key: postcode value: 518118 7. 过滤数组


const fruits = ["apple", null, "mongo", undefined, ""] const filted = fruits.filter(Boolean) console.debug(filted) //(2) ["apple", "mongo"] const any = fruits.some(Boolean) console.log(any) //true 8. 消除重复值 const fruits = ["apple", null, "mongo", "apple", ""] const uniqued = [ Set(fruits)] console.debug(uniqued) //(4) ["apple", null, "mongo", ""] 9. 判断是否数组


const fruits = ["apple", null, "mongo", "apple", ""] console.debug(typeof fruits) //object console.error(Array.isArray(fruits)) //true 10. 转换数字和字符串 const text = "12345" console.debug("text:", +text, "typeof:", typeof(+text)) //text:12345 typeof:number const num = 123456 console.debug("number:", num+"", "typeof:", typeof(num+"")) //number:123456 typeof:string 11. 转换为boolean


console.log(!!null, typeof(!!null)) //false, boolean console.log(!!"", typeof(!!"")) //false, boolean console.log(!!undefined, typeof(!!undefined)) //false, boolean console.log(!!null, typeof(!!null)) //false, boolean console.log(!!true, typeof(!!true)) //true, boolean console.log(!!false, typeof(!!false)) //false, boolean console.log(!!{id:"", name:""}, typeof(!!{id:"", name:""})) //true, boolean 12. 可选链

可选链 ?. 是一种访问嵌套对象属性的安全的方式,可避免在对象或属性不可用时抛出异常。由于JavaScript不是类型化语言,该特性还是很有用。

//未使用可选链接,将抛出异常 const contactInfos = { address: "长安街20号" }; console.warn(contactInfos.user.phoneNumber) // 以上语句将报错:Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'phoneNumber') //使用可选链接,将打印undefined const contactInfos = { address: "长安街20号" }; console.warn(contactInfos.user?.phoneNumber) // undefined 13. 合并运算符

合并运算符的写法为两个问号 ??,对于该运算符连接的两个参数,如果第一个参数不是 null,也不是undefined,则返回第一个参数,否则返回第二个参数。

const contactInfos = { address: "长安街20号" }; console.warn(contactInfos.user?.phoneNumber ?? "") // "" const contactInfos = { address: "长安街20号", addressNumber: 0 }; console.warn(contactInfos.addressNumber || undefined) // undefined console.warn(contactInfos.addressNumber ?? undefined) // 0 14. 有条件地添加属性


const moreInfos = { info: "请开车前往." } return { address: "长安街20号", postcode: "518118", ...(moreInfos !== undefined && { moreInfos }) //仅当moreInfos不是undefined时,才添加moreInfos属性 } 15. 异步调用异常捕获


const results = await getPosts().catch((err) => { return { type: "error", message: err.message } }); console.warn(results) // { type: "error", message: "cannot get posts from this endpoint" } 16. 弱引用Map


const videoSegments = new WeakMap() let options = { id: "1234", timeStart: 1653831957378, size: 10000 } const segment = { data: new Uint8Array(200) } videoSegments.set(options, segment) console.warn(videoSegments.get(options)) // { data: new Uint8Array(200) } //以下当options被赋值为null后,该对象将被移除和回收 options = null console.warn(videoSegments.has(options)) // false, the `options` key object is deleted from the WeakMap 17. 反射


const person = { name: 'Bob', [Symbol('email')]: '' }; Reflect.get(person, 'name'); // = Bob Reflect.has(person, 'email'); // = true Reflect.has(person, 'phone'); // = false Reflect.getPrototypeOf(person); // = { constructor ... } Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( person, 'name'); // = { value: 'Bob', writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true } Reflect.ownKeys(person); // name, Symbol(email) Reflect.defineProperty(person, 'phone', { writable: true }); Reflect.has(person, 'phone'); // = true Reflect.set(person, 'phone', '123456789'); Reflect.deleteProperty(person, 'phone'); Reflect.has(person, 'phone'); // = false 18. 柯里化

柯里化(Currying)是一种关于函数的高阶技术,它是指将一个函数从可调用的 f(a, b, c) 转换为可调用的 f(a)(b)(c)。柯里化不会调用函数,它只是对函数进行转换。

// 完成银行转账交易函数,余额+转入金额-费用 const transaction = (fee, balance, amount) => ( balance + amout - fee; ); // 简单实现的柯里化函数 const curry = (fn, ...args) => ( (..._arg) => ( fn(...args, ..._arg) ) ); // 复用了transaction函数的免交易费函数 const freeTransaction = curry(transaction, 0); freeTransaction(10, 90); // = 100 19. 组合


//f 和 g 都是函数,x 是在它们之间通过“管道”传输的值 var compose = function(f,g) { return function(x) { return f(g(x)); }; }; var toUpperCase = function(x) { return x.toUpperCase(); }; var exclaim = function(x) { return x + '!'; }; var shout = compose(exclaim, toUpperCase); shout("send in the clowns"); //=> "SEND IN THE CLOWNS!" // 组合函数 const compose = (...fns) => x => fns.reduce((y, f) => f(y), x); // 原函数 const addFee = amount => amount + 2; const addDiscount = amount => amount - 5; // 函数组合 const composition = compose(addFee, addDiscount)(100); console.log(composition) //97

